The Grenada Public Service Credit Union provided part sponsorship to the Institute of Chartered Accountants of the Eastern Caribbean- Grenada Branch for this inaugural event. It was hosted at the Radisson’s Beach Resort with the theme” Shifting the Paradigm-Promoting Good Governance”.
The Conference was attended by over 100 accountants, finance professionals, regulators and entrepreneurs and boasted an assortment of activities:
The week started with a Church service at the Evangelistic Centre on Market Hill followed by an opening ceremony at the Radissons Pavilion on Sunday 29th May and continued with workshops and seminars throughout the week including seminar on Corporate Governance, Small Business, Media/Career Activities and Professional development sessions.
The closing Ceremony was held at the Radissons Crown Ball room on 4th June. The event was highly attended with accountants from throughout Grenada, also present at the ceremony and gave brief remarks was Minister for Implementation, Mins. Otway-Noel.
Feature speaker at the closing ceremony was Deryck Murray- Vice President of the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) and Chairman of the Transparency Institute of Trinidad and Tobago. Mr. Murray advocated the need for Accountants to be vigilant in upholding the principles and good names of all accountants, and should shy away from bad influences. He continued by stating in an era when so much corruption is taking place, accountants would be contacted to do the dirty work, and one bad accountant tarnishes the good name of the entire accountants fraternity and therefore one should be willing to contact the Transparency Institute and provide evidence so those who need to be held accountable, would be held accountable. The formal ceremony was followed by live entertainment from the Treo’s Band while invitees at the event danced and socialized.
The Grenada Public Service Cooperative Credit Union supports the need for professional development and education in Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique, and applauds initiatives like these which help to build the capacity of our nation’s human resources.
GPSCCU “expect more from your Credit Union”